For Cemetery Information, Please Call 219-844-7077.

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As a Monument Dealer, we put our customers first. We help you design what you are looking for. From artwork to lettering, it is your choice. When a cemetery sells you a grave or graves, they should tell you exactly what is allowed. Before you start shopping for a headstone or marker, give them a call to verify what is permitted.

Once you come to us, we will contact the cemetery to see what is permitted. We have rules and regulations for most cemeteries in the area, but we still like to double check. Unfortunately, sometimes that leads to a roadblock. All cemeteries are required to have written rules and regulations. The cemetery office should be able to provide you with a written copy of those rules and regulations. If they do not, you have the right to complain.

Some cemeteries give the families flack about ordering from an outside monument dealer. As the consumer, you have the right to purchase a monument or memorial from the company you choose. It is simple. We are in this business to help you – the consumer. Turning your wants and desires into reality is our priority.

It is truly a shame that businesses complain about losing a sale rather than focus on what is important – pleasing a family. As final responders, it is our job to make you feel at ease with all your decisions. Purchasing a monument or memorial for your loved one is the last thing you will do for them. We know that. We understand that. And most importantly, we respect that.

If you have come across issues with memorial regulations, please know that your voice is important. You can complain to the businesses themselves. You can voice your opinion on social media. Yelp, Google, Facebook, etc… are great places to complain.

If you need help locating how to contact a cemetery to complain, we can help. We have a list of local businesses, along with their national company’s contact information. If we do not, then we can assist you in obtaining that information.

Below are some other options:

Better Business Bureau: (

In Indiana, contact the Attorney General’s Office: (

In Illinois, you can voice your complaints to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation: (

Here are some tips from the Federal Trade Commission:

This business is about you – the consumer. We work for you. We wouldn’t be here without you. We are thankful that you’ve given us the opportunity to serve your families. We want to be sure you’re satisfied. Please let us know if you have any questions or issues at any time and we will do our best to help.