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Home > Services & Products > Markers, Headstones & Monuments

Why Choose Elmwood?

Our selection of markers, monuments, and headstones are as beautiful as they are varied. We offer many choices to our customers—we can even match any preexisting headstone or memorial upon request. Along with these choices, we also offer beautiful vaults and cremation urns. It is our mission to accommodate all your memorial needs.

At Elmwood, we can do everything over the Internet, from finding the right stone for you to sending you the final proof. You can sign all documents via email, making the process even easier. We are here to help you make a decision for your loved one.


All prices include stone, design, four lines of text (relationship, full name and month, day, year of birth/death), delivery and setting of the stone by our trained staff. Please note sales tax and cemetery installation fee are not included. Stone must be paid in full at time of purchase. Order now to ensure monuments and markers will be ready for placement in spring/summer 2025 (pending cemetery approval).

Please be advised we are experiencing delays that we have never seen before. The sooner you order, the sooner we can get your monument installed. Please check our monuments and markers that are in stock and ready for engraving. If one of these meets your needs, it may speed up the process. Call today for an appointment.


Not valid with any other offer.

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Blue Pearl Flush
Blue Pearl Flush Marker Retail $1,055 Sale $900
Bahama Blue Flush Marker Retail $925 Sale $825
Fentress Flush Gold Star Black
Gold Star Black Flush Marker Retail $997 Sale $900
Mountain Rose Flush Marker Retail $825 Sale $750
Elberton Gray Flush Marker Retail $825 Sale $750
India Red Flush Marker Retail $997 Sale $875
Paradisio Flush Marker Retail $925 Sale $825

Beautiful Memorial Monuments

Whether you’ve recently suffered the loss of a loved one, or you’re simply planning for the future, you deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. At Elmwood, our caring staff seeks to provide you with quality customer service and enduring memorials for you or your loved ones.

Our discounted prices and the multitude of options allow us to make our monuments and headstones available to people from all walks of life. During a time of grieving, the last things you want to deal with are hidden fees, poor quality products and poor customer service. Elmwood recognizes the importance of honest dealing at all times and stands by it as a company standard.

Going Above and Beyond for You

Elmwood knows how important it is to have support in the face of a grief—we provide 24/7 access to our services, including a counselor available to help you, 365 days a year. We also offer direct delivery of all our monuments in Hammond, IN.

Contact our casket & monument store in Hammond at 219-844-7009 today and view our brochure to learn more about the products and services we provide. We are prepared to handle any situation and show you the compassion you deserve. Trust Elmwood with all your marker, monument, or headstone needs. We’re here to take care of you and your loved ones.

Serving Families with Quality Merchandise at Affordable Prices