For Cemetery Information, Please Call 219-844-7077.

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Save Money, Shop With Elmwood Today

Planning a funeral is not something any of us want to do. But when that time comes, we are here for you. Our savings are passed on directly to the public. We also offer prearrangement plans, which lock in your pricing at today’s prices.

Products Offered at Our Casket & Monument Store

Elmwood Casket Company & Elmwood Cemetery Memorials have been serving families in their time of need since 1921. We pride ourselves on providing you the best service available. With offices located in Hammond and Schererville, we are here to serve you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We offer free estimates on all of the casket and memorial products we provide. Call us at 219-844-7009 for more information.

By choosing Elmwood Casket Company & Elmwood Cemetery Memorials, you can save 30% to 70% more than what you would spend at other Northwest Indiana or Chicagoland funeral homes. We also provide same day casket delivery to ease the stress of coordinating the many elements of a funeral service. All of our caskets are made in North America. Our caskets and monuments are made of the highest quality to ensure total satisfaction and peace of mind.

Why Choose Us?

Serving Chicagoland Families Since 1921
Caskets Delivered Within 24 Hours
30%-70% Less Expensive than Area Funeral Homes
All Metal Caskets are Made in the U.S.A.
Offering Free No-Obligation Estimates

Customer Testimonials

Contact Us

To request a free estimate and save significantly on funeral costs for your loved one.

Our services and products include: